After two very quiet nights London was out on the tiles again Friday. As I was going WB I heard a loud cheer through the J door, the one between the cab and the saloon. All doors have letters, take a look next time. At SHB a group of young ladies informed me that someone had thrown up and “it was everywhere” but when I checked while closing up at WER it was a relatively small puddle. Ladies, if that is the worst you’ve seen then you have never seen proper vomit.
At HAL I spotted a gentleman looking around with that easily identifiable “where am I” look, at PER the Super helped an unsteady woman onto the train while at GRE another young lady staggered off the train and when I last saw her she was clinging to one of the pillars on the platform as if it was her only friend in the world. Two sleepers at WER, both who set off the wrong way up the platform and had to be redirected towards the stairs.
There’s engineering works again this weekend so once more we’re shut down west of MAA and on my way up to WER I passed at least half a dozen engineers trains loaded with new ballast. As there are no trains out of WER in the morning once I’d stabled the train in the depot I had to jump in a taxi, pick up the other West End night turn at WHC and then the pair of us were ferried over to HAI.
When we arrived we surprised the night turn at HAI as he’d forgotten about the “special working”. When he checked his duty with the DTSM he was shocked to discover that rather than just getting a train out and running down to LES he had to get another train out half an hour earlier and leave it on the platform for one of the HAI early turns. Bit like valet parking.
My shift finished uneventfully, running empty to MAA, up the siding and then back in service to LES. One piece of bad news is that one of the new goldfish has died, it had been fine when I last saw it Thursday night but since then someone had left a coil of tubing and a bag of some unidentifiable yellow crystals next to the tank. Now the tubing suggests that someone either did or was planning on doing a water change and I suspect that the crystals are some sort of water treatment but obviously whatever they did it wasn’t the right thing.
Someone owes me a fish.
Flash discount sale on tickets for The Mousetrap
3 hours ago
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