Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Olympic Duty Rosters turned up while I was on leave, I won’t be working the opening and closing ceremonies but I do have two weekend shifts longer than the usual 8 hours, one of which finishes after 01:30. Not sure how much extra I will get paid but somehow I don’t think it’s going to be anywhere near the £1800 the Daily Mail, the Sun and the rest of the frothing-at-the-mouth Tory press were predicting.

Awwwww shucks……..

On an earlier post someone asked in the comments why we have spares. Yesterday when one of my colleagues was booking on they told the DTSM that they had used an over-the-counter remedy for an ailment. When the DTSM consulted the list of medications its okay for us to use and carry on working it wasn’t listed so they couldn’t legally book the TOp on for their duty.

Fortunately we had one spare available who was able to cover the shift otherwise we’d have had to cancel one of the last trains. That was me.

Awwwww shucks……..


  1. Pricks, just get to work like the rest of us and stop ruining peoples journeys to the Olympics.

    Bunch of over paid donkey workers!! Fuck YOU!

  2. Oh dear, it appears that Boris has found my blog........

  3. How very grown up!

  4. Ha, everyone hates train drivers! if you're not late then you're moaning about pay and going on strike.

  5. No not everyone hates train drivers. But a lot of people are JEALOUS of train drivers. Get a life anonymous @11:47 and 13:10.

  6. And there are some grown ups that don't hate us or are jealous - few days ago changing ends lady asked if I was driver, so could thank me.Just as I always thank bus drivers. Just as things used to be before everything turned into greed,pathetic ignorance, and not manners.
    People should know facts before making ridiculous comments.

  7. Why bother with facts when you have an opinion already formed..........
