Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Seven years ago today I started blogging so it seems somewhat appropriate that I mark that anniversary by ending it.  I'm all blogged out, I keep thinking I should write something, I start to write a post and then simply can't be bothered to finish it.  It was fun for most of the time but from now on I will stick to posting comments on The Guardian website (mostly on London and transport issues), occasionally on the Evening Standard when I can do so without a feeling of vague disgust, District Dave's London Underground forum and WHU606.

A lot has changed on the Tube with ticket offices closing, station staff undergoing a complete re-organisation and Night Tube but my job is relatively the same as it was in 2010.  They can mess around with station staff, managers (currently undergoing another change with TOSMs and DTSMs being merged back into one grade) and technical staff but they still need one driver per train.  The big change will come with the introduction of driverless trains but even that will only happen if the TOps agree to it as was the case when they converted M1 in Paris.  I might get to enjoy the blissful irony of driving a driverless train but it now looks as if the Bakerloo Line will get the new trains before we do so I'll probably miss out on that experience.

I've got 10 years, 8 months and 20 days until I retire (although I might go a couple of weeks early, have Christmas and New Year 2027 off),  I'm going to dedicate more time to looking after Old Mother shrugged (now 87), looking after myself and getting out in London a bit more.  I've got memberships for both the Tate and the National Portrait galleries but haven't used either in the last six months, I've not been to the theatre in over a year while the last film I watched was "La La Land"!

If you're ever up by the Lea Bridge Road end of Leyton High Road and fancy a drink pop in the William IV, there might be an ex-blogging TOp propping up the bar on his Rest Day.


  1. I shall miss your comments and insights into London Blunderground. Enjoy your ersatz retirement (until the real one comes round - I've been 'retired' almost six years and busier/happier than when I was at work).

    Best of luck mate. I know that pub and may, with the best of intentions, come lookin' for yer bruv.

  2. Well, your blogging is already missed, you know.

  3. Thanks for a very valuable blog over the years, consistently more relevant,accurate and informative than 'official' sources. Actually I really hope you change your mind... if not any suggestions about alternative blogs?

  4. Sorry to see you go. Reading your blogs has been a real education as well as being entertaining. I also miss the District Dave site which I got kicked off of a couple of years ago, wrongly accused of having duplicate accounts. Nowhere else to go for real Underground info

  5. Sorry to read what has become your last blog.
    I'm station staff on the Central line and can relate to a lot of what you've said.

  6. Thank you for taking the time to write a final post; so much better than bloggers that just disappear. Your posts over the years are much appreciated. :)

  7. Reiterating what everyone else has said - thanks for an entertaining read over the past several years.

    @John Watt - surely District Dave's forum site is visible to all; you only need to register to actually post?

  8. As a fellow Smiths fan and a CSA on LU I have been following your blog since its inception and will miss it, may well trek over to the William IV one day!

  9. Goodbye and good luck Mr Shrugged. I have seen your occasional comments in the Standard etc and appreciate your lefty stance. There is a real war on now and I hope you keep on keeping on xxx

  10. Found your blog when I originally applied to join the company nearly 4 years ago and enjoyed reading it a lot. When I jump in the cab of a Central line on the way home I always asked the tOp if they knew about this blog and who it is but nobody did :p

  11. I've enjoyed your blogs and the insight they gave - for example, the explanation of the Boxing Day dispute gave me detail and understanding I couldn't find elsewhere.

    All the best!

  12. keep the faith brother
