Saturday 11 July 2015

A lot of people were wondering why services finished so early on Wednesday, myself included, I am told that some of the technical types finish their shifts at 19:00,and with the RMT/TSSA strike starting at 18:30 the technicians starting their shift at 19:00 weren’t expected to turn up.  Obviously If a serious fault had developed there would have been no one to fix it and we could have been left with trains stuck in tunnels for 24 hours which would have led to serious problems Friday morning.  In order to avoid that possible scenario it was decided to get the trains stabled before the techies went home.

Or that is what I’ve been told, if anyone can confirm I’d be grateful.


  1. Also the night turn power control room operators didn't book on. If there's no power control operators, there's no juice!

  2. What I find so amazing about last week, us drivers got all the stick for it.. When as you know 20000 members of staff all went out. As stated above 'power control operators' were the first of many who never came in. Priceless :(
    Keep up the blogs ASLEF shrugged please, they do make me laugh :)

  3. Power Control 100%.
    They have a long list of completely different grievances and didn't have to think too hard about making sure this strike was the most effective to date.

  4. The LU Strike Plan reveals there never was any intention of running a service during the strike, the only priority was keeping stations open that were served by other operators - DLR, LO and NR. The early shutdown was due to Power & Control issues. Unfortunately the same individual stepped in there as he did during that department's own strike a year or so back. Let's hope the right sections were turned off this time...

  5. Traction Current was left on overnight and Engineering Hours cancelled.

  6. Tc left on and eh cancelled is standard because also TAC or controllers guaranteed to trip TT, pass line clear / safe message, reset TT so easier to leave it on rather than have the process fail through one part missing.
