Wednesday 8 July 2015

Management are displaying a level of coquettishness similar to the one that inspired Andrew Marvell to write “To his coy mistress” in the mid-17th century and the one I encountered at the 1977 Dagenham Priory Comprehensive post-O level disco while trying to explore the inside of Linda Coggins’s bra.  Despite insisting on Monday that they wouldn’t be available for talks on Tuesday it seems that management found a “window” in their diary and everyone trooped back to ACAS.   I’ve not heard how far talks progressed but obviously they failed and so we will be on strike tomorrow.
Apparently there are suggestions that the strike is political and that the unions called the strike purely as retaliation to the Tories winning the General Election.  Not only is that laughable it’s not even original, Network Rail accused RMT and TSSA of exactly the same thing when they were threatening to strike in May, LUL are so bereft of ideas they’re using second hand smears!
As usual there are plenty of rumours going around the mess rooms, one I’ve heard is that out of the five depots on the Central Line only two would be getting Night Tube shifts and one of those would be mine.  Not only would this mean that less than half of the TOps on the Central Line would get the bonuses on offer but also that TOps at those two depots would work overnight far more often than management’s estimate of seven times a year.  Add in that at LES we also work Saturdays on the W&C and it means that a weekend where we didn’t work would become an extremely rare thing.  As I said it’s only a rumour but it’s an example of how TOps feel that this whole thing has been badly planned and why we want to know all the details of management’s proposals before we agree to anything.
I’ve no idea what will happen tonight, at what time stations will start closing or when trains will start being put away but as usual the media has confused “staff will not book on after” with “staff will stop working at”.  As far as I’m concerned I will start work around 3pm and carry on until my finish time around 10:30pm unless Wood Lane tells me to stop.
Let's hope things get better....


  1. Who is stopping you looking at rosters instead of going by rumours? Is it the same people who didn't engage on part time or fixed links many months ago which would mean fewer nights on the Central than you have now? What could their motives possibly be for misleading you I wonder?

    1. The only rosters seen have been on the Viccy, we've still not seen them on the Central. Part time and fixed links are a joke, if management were serious about it why did they only train 137 new drivers, just enough to bring in the new roster? as we say in deepest Dagenham, fuck off, sad cunt

    2. Charming way to express yourself, thought there was more about you than foulness. I get that you're easily duped, but so malignant? Oh well, bye.

    3. Hey Mr Manager again (07:30)! Have you not got it yet? Nobody is stopping us looking at anything! Nobody from unions are misleading us-why on earth would they, what would they gain? Management trying to, but won't wash-you really are showing your ignorance. We have AGREEMENTS. Clue is in the name. If Night Tube comes in, it will be by AGREEMENT. We speak to each other, we compromise, we decide what's best for majority. Our reps have nothing to gain by pulling wool over our eyes, but much to lose by letting us down!
      Grow up!

  2. I would be amazed if rosters actually existed to look at at this point.

  3. OMG! I went to Priory too. You may wish to re-dact some of those names mentioned to protect the innocent. lol. And just to prove I went to Priory...If you know anyone who went to Parsloes? Then we owe them a few drinks after all those inter-school fights in the old school fields. COYI.

    1. Ha Ha. Proper hard. Old skool old school. Ha HA!

    2. Not so much Parsloes more Eastbrook and Robert Clack. We had a big thing with Joe Peace and the NF mob although apparently he's now a born-again Christian. Still, Linda Coggin's tits, I spent two years in Chemistry sharing a desk with her and got an F but it was worth it.......

    3. Lol. I don't remember going anywhere to "visit" Eastbrook or Clack. Probably because it would have meant a bus ride. Couldn't afford the fare. Just aswell, really. Less guilt and smaller bar bills now. lol. Mind you...probably wouldn't have minded "hacking" future Gooner Tony Adams. AS IF! lol.

    4. JUST KIDDING! I love The Adams. England ledge. IMO. Best Captain for England...ever! COYI
