I’ve not heard
much from my favourite retard Richard Tracey for a while but he’s back with
another boneheaded idea that simply demonstrates how detached from reality his
brain is. His latest wheeze is that
recently retired Tube workers could be drafted in to staff a skeleton service
on strike days and he even has numbers, saying that 364 train drivers have
retired in the last five years. The obvious problem
is that our licences are only valid if we’ve worked a given stock on a specific
line in the last six months, after that we’d need a refresher course before we
could be allowed back onto the trains on our own and that would have to be conducted by the IOps
who are currently working to rule like the rest of the TOps. On top of that all the retirees would have
been union members while they were working and might still be in the union so
they would be unlikely to want to help break the strike. Bless his tiny pointed head.....
Tickets Alert: VE Day 1940s lunch on HMS Wellington
10 hours ago
A true Dick.
ReplyDeleteUneffingbelievable!!! Shocking, even. Who the heck is this Tracey character?
ReplyDeleteMethinks the next lot of talks will be more constructive and amiable.
So now is the the time to strike (no pun etc...) while the iron is hot.
All the stuff that has been putting the longevity of our worklife into jeopardy needs to be addressed.
Namely the SPAD "policy" or as I call it, "lets just blame the driver agenda".
We are going to be driving around in the middle of the night and expected to be vigilant and concentrative (word?) as humans are completely NOT designed to do.
Then we WILL need a completely NEW policy to take account of this FACT.
NOW is the time to bend your Reps ear about this. Now is the time to go to a Branch Meeting and make your views known about this. Now is the time to talk this over with your colleagues and mateys.
Its not just Mangers divorced from reality. Some Reps are too!
Take it back.
Anything that makes our job "iffy" needs addressing right now. Attendance "policy". POTA and Duty of "Care" (biggest joke of all). All used as sticks to beat us. All need a review and rewrite by more HUMANE beings.
NOW is the time for change.
Stuff the dosh. I want my LIFE back (at least a bit of it, anyway).
Thanks for reading.
I have read and I thank you for writing. Some Reps are just no good and treat their responsibilities "lightly". I will be trying to collar my unseen rep to ask what else is being discussed at these talks. Management always add strings to our deals. Its high time drivers added a few of our own if we are to accept working all night. Duty of Care is an absolutely disgraceful piece of literature. How any right minded human being can sit there and enforce such tripe doesn't deserve the right to be called human. Equally so is the PTOA. Not quite rightly described as a "stick". More of a straight jacket and then a big caber pounded into our heads. Cheers
DeleteRichard Tracey is the London Assembly member for Merton & Wandsworth and is the top Tory on the GLA Transport Committee, he has kept me amused over the last few years.....
DeleteThanks for the info. So Tricky Dicky WAS responding to something said by someone higher up. Namely his boss, Blojo. Boris is always saying we are "strangling" and now "shooting" the public. Or some such analogy. I get the impression that Blojo thinks the public are Penelope Pitstop. Tied to the train tracks while we dont even get to be Dick Darstardly. We are just us! Drivers. Evil, evil evil train drivers. Bearing down upon poor Penny at full pelt. Dont be too surprised if Blojo plagiarizes this analogy too. The poor sod is sooo unoriginal. He is just your latest Tory boy knock off Ted Heath. Your typical public school "Tim nice but Dim" caricature that represent only 10% of the population but seem to dominate all the directorships, government ministerships, senior civil service and senior diplomatic jobs. This country is proper fucked if we let Blojo and his cronies win this struggle.
DeleteTed Heath was anything but posh and certainly wasn't dim. His dad was a carpenter/builder who set himself up in business, he went to grammar school rather than public school and got to Oxford on a scholarship. After serving in WW2 he applied for the Civil service and got top marks in the entry exam.
DeleteNice info re Heath. However I was remarking on Blojo as typical public school produce. Also how many privileges are heaped on such types. Not least being gifted a safe Tory seat and an "easy in" into Parliament. Surveys and stats prove that top jobs have been unfairly loaded with these types. Not always for the betterment of the nation as a whole. I referenced Heath because Blojo reminds me of Heath. Big, burly, bumbling, blonde. Heath sounds gifted. However, would he have got into a top civil service grade if he hadn't been to Oxford first? That's the issue.
DeleteBoris was happy to accept safe seat Uxbridge & S Ruislip but was spitting feathers when Malcolm Rifkind resigned the equally safe and somewhat more glamorous seat of Kensington six months later. Zone 1 as opposed to Zone 6, a lot easier to get a taxi home from a local Tory party meeting.
DeleteA fair number of that 364 will have been medically retired too. What? Now its okay to bring them back and they will be okay to drive just to break a strike? I hope Tricky Tracey's idea is not a response to someone higher up asking "How can we stop these drivers holding a gun to the publics head?"? I think you all know who I am referring to. Dr BloJo? That's who. lol
ReplyDeleteBoris made that comment about the gun on public telly. We should all be up in arms (pun) about that. So? What?. Drivers have guns now? Like terrorists. So drivers are like terrorists now, are we??
DeleteTricky. he he. Dick. ha ha. Richard by name. Dick by nature.
ReplyDeletelol. Tricky Dicky! What a KNOB
DeleteTalk about KNOBS, did anyone see what the plank wrote in the evening NO standard last night?
DeleteHe seems to think he can go over the heads of management dealing with the dispute, and that the offer on the table is excellent!!. Is he on drugs!!! we don't dispute the financial side, we want valuable time with our families (work life balance), but i suppose he couldn't give too figs with his 275k chicken feed and his other two jobs what the unwashed minions do. I suppose with all those pound signs in front of him he looses at least some of his senses - common being the first and hearing after.
did i say is is a KNOB that's just winding the situation up