Monday, 11 January 2016

On Friday while I was off Steve “Not Brown” Griffiths emailed us an update on Night Tube and it’s worth noting a few points.

“We have listened to your trade union representatives who have been very clear that your work-life balance is a priority. It is for this reason that we have recruited part-time staff on stations and are doing the same in train operations as it minimises the impact of Night Tube on existing employees”

Night Tube was initially announced back in November 2013, two years and two strikes to come to this decision can hardly be described as effective management from a bunch whose salaries make ours look like "chickenfeed".

“This recruitment will mean that our existing train operators will not have to work Night Tube shifts, unless they choose to do so. It also does not impact on our existing agreements with the unions.”

Now maybe I've misunderstood or maybe its poorly worded but that seems to suggest existing TOps who choose to work Night Tube don't necessarily have to become part-timers.  The existing agreement is that we run trains overnight on three “special events” a year which LU want to expand to seven so to say this doesn’t impact on existing agreements is utter nonsense.

“Since October 2014 we have held an extensive number of meetings with your trade unions and also involved the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).  We believe that we have addressed all the points that have been raised and exhausted all reasonable negotiations.”

Despite the unions repeatedly offering to have “a period of concentrated discussions on the outstanding issues” (from Our Man Finn’s Facebook page) there haven’t been any meetings since November and the recruitment of part time drivers has gone ahead without any consultation.

Griffiths then goes onto the pay deal which includes “a £500 consolidated flat rate increase to recognise our transformation to a 24-hour passenger service operation – Night Tube” and a “£500 non-consolidated launch payment to all staff on Night Tube lines”.  Obviously accepting this pay offer would be accepting Night Tube, we still don’t have any guarantee that the recruitment of part timers will deliver the 180 extra TOps needed so we certainly aren’t about to agree to anything that includes Night Tube.

ASLEF’s Executive Committee will meet today with our reps recommending further strike action which BBC claims will be on 27th January, 15th and 17th February.   ASLEF aren’t opposed to Night Tube or part-time TOps but they aren’t going to accept anything without negotiation.  As Our Man Finn says on his Facebook page "we want to make sure that working conditions for both existing and new staff are protected" which includes all those potential part-time TOps.


  1. Thank you as usual Aslefshrugged for keeping us up to date. The press release seemed to suggest that part of the reason for striking is to oppose zero hour contracts. I was under the impression that the new part time T/Ops were given a 15 contract on the same terms as the full time staff so not sure where the zero hours issue has come from. As an aside, are there many T/Ops that are not a member of either RMT or Aslef or are they strongly encouraged to join one or other?

    1. The post on Finn Brennan Facebook says "We must not allow our job be casualised or a zero hours culture to creep in" rather than saying that we're striking against zero hours contracts being introduced - slippery slope type of thing. I'm sure there are a few non-union TOps but almost all of us are either ASLEF or RMT, rather than encouraged to join you tend to do so once you get an idea of how poor management can be.

    2. I totally agree, it is usually a minor incident that makes most drivers just how (in)effective / *insert comment here * the management actually are. They seem to forget the companies own rules when it suits them (ex TOM on east end central ring any bells).
      At my depot i can count on one hand how many nons we have, and i think this stands across the combine.

    3. Thanks for the response. I obviously read that wrong when I thought the strike was about the introduction of zero hours contracts. But I am concerned that whoever Finn Brennan is, I guess the ASLEF spokesman, he is calling a strike just in case LU introduce zero hours contracts? I don't understand how you can call a strike based on something that isn't on the table and he is just in fear of.

    4. Finn Brennan is our elected rep, the strike is about the changes management want to impose on our existing terms and conditions with possible situations for part time TOps. Gosh how hard it is for you to understand?

  2. Re: your moaning that you earn chickenfeed compared to management - why not push yourself into management? You evidently think you could run things far better. But like most people, it's easier to moan than take a pro-active approach.

    I don't believe you should be disrupting the public, who ultimately pay your salaries, because you don't want part-timers hired to do the shifts you're not prepared to work. And re: event days, get over it. It's a maximum of 7 days a year. And it's unlikely that any single staff member would have to work all seven.

    Yes you have the right to strike, but you'll regret losing your public support over this issue. Try working in the real world.

    Oh and for the reference, I have no connection to LU/TFL.

    1. I'm 54, if I wanted to go into management I'd have to start as a DTSM who doesn't get much more than a TOp, I'd have to move to a different depot like Morden or Acton Town and spend half my working life travelling. I wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting to TOM or AM level without becoming a complete bastard and sacking a few people but even if I ever got the chance of getting there I'd be ready for retirement. Frankly I don't want the stress or the arse licking required.

      I believe you have no connection with LU/TfL because you have no idea how this shit works.

    2. Another tfl employee12 January 2016 at 09:59

      'I don't believe you should be disrupting the public, who ultimately pay your salaries' The old 'I pay your wages' As a customer of many companies I probably pay yours.

    3. Re:Mr no connection with LU/TfL, If your employer decided to change your Working Contract/conditions and you had absolutely no say in the matter, I think you'd be pretty pissed off about it too. Stop listening to the spin & bullshit from Johnson & his management buddies & learn the facts first!!!

    4. Weak excuses Mr Shrugged. If you want to work in management you need not lick anything or sack anyone but simply be good with people and all the usual stuff. Oh, and take biased, ill-informed, cynical criticism from time to time!

    5. "simply be good with people and all the usual stuff." How's that working on the Piccadilly Line where drivers were told if they were worried about doors opening in the tunnels they'd be sent home and lose pay? Good managers get nowhere on the Tube, arselickers get promoted, that is why Mike Brown is head of TfL.

    6. There are some really good TOps who have been seconded as DTSMs, there are some really good DTSMs who have been seconded as TOSMs, there are some really good TOSMs and some really good TOMs but they are never going to make it to the top. I'm never going to be as good as them, I've been a manager in retail and I have no desire to ever go back to managing. Happy to leave that to those that want it but that doesn't mean I can't see where its going wrong

  3. As an RMT station member I can vouch about how piss poor some managers are and yes, break the rules when it suits them. CSA's - Customer Service Assistants get the vast majority of the raw deals however. Often on the end of a zealous or power mad manager. Now we are getting completely shafted in the new world (Fit for the Future - or F' all as we refer to it). 66% (up from 33%) of our future shifts finishing between 21.00 and 01.00. Great life balance for us if they force it through.

    1. Sadly the majority drivers will NOT support station staff, even the RMT Drivers. Even though they could end working on station side due medical reasons, but of course it is never going to happen to them. As I understand it there is no zero hours contracts being proposed for part-time Drivers that Finn Brennan mentioned could happen, but that L.U.want DTSM's to be able call in part-time Drivers who only work weekend nights to cover say, a cover a uncovered duty (no Driver available) for example on a Tuesday afternoon. Lots of companies cover job shortages with the ideal people to work,these shortages which is part-time staff.

    2. A lot of the RMT drivers do support Station staff as well as some ASLEF who refuse to cross picket lines...sadly too many don't. Station staff are currently being screwed over big time with FFTF. Management are on a mission to completely erode the power of the Unions and need to be stopped. Once they complete the station side it will be onto drivers which is already showing it's head as highlighted here. The Unions all need to work together on this one - all grades - all Unions. Sadly I can't see it happening and I really do fear for the future for all of us or our future colleagues if that it is the case. Look deep and hard at what management are in the midst of........

    3. For years I have always supported the station staff. I got fed up with losing pay when RMT members on the station side came in and manned stations on Strike days with one saying to me that "its the drivers that can do the damage"

      A vast majority who came out were queueing up to work rest days to get back money lost on strike days.

      Same goes for DTSMs on the last set of strikes. This would probably count for signal staff as well so please don't harp on about drivers not supporting anyone.

      On the Last RMT only strike the union rep who hardly ever drives a train due to bring permanently released complained when I drove past him on the picket line. I reminded him that I'm ASLEF and not RMT and also asked would he be giving his days pay to charity seeing that he was on annual leave that day! He scuttled off with his tail between his legs.

      Drivers are getting well and truely shaffted these days. Minimal turn around, piss poor meal breaks and watching station staff with 6 months service get promoted to managers.

      With regards to night tube it won't be long until a pool of CSAs are on stand by to work multi lines on demand at short notice, not giving a toss about drivers who have spent years in the grade and the agreements we have fought long and hard for often with money coming out our pockets whilst station staff come in on their rest day knowing that if they do feel knackered they can just take a days leave from their 10 weeks AL !

    4. are bitter and divided - exactly what managment want! Listen fella, on our group only about 10 members out of about 120 act in the manner you described, the rest are solid union members. Every grade in every job has a few who are like this so don't rant on as if it's exclusive to station staff. Station staff are getting truly shafted in FFTF especially the new rosters and once done with us it will be you know who next which is why we all need to stand together on this one. As for the 10 weeks A/L you know dam well it's because Station staff do more hours a week than train ops so stop please acting as such an elitist. I salute all RMT and Aslef drivers who support station staff - most of them probably remember their roots, starting off as station staff. As an individual I will never cross a colleagues picket line...... Now more than ever we need to be united not divided as you are trying to portray or so it seems. Management are on a mission and love seeing things like that.

  4. For all of those that believe boris and underground managment answer me this they have stared on numerous occasions that t ops would not work any more hours when niggt tube was ment to start back in september now thet employing 180 part timers on 15 hours a week thats 2700 hours a week or 112 days in a week extra work now how was exscisting tops supposed to cover that much work back in september without working longer hours ?

    1. simple. More drivers were taken on. Got it?

  5. Night Tube was also supposed to be "Cost neutral" so how does employing 180 extra drivers gel with that aim? Steve (Who He?) Griffiths has been quoted at least once in the media saying that "Staff who do not want to work Night Tube duties will not have to work Night Tube duties". This is completely wrong, as it ignores all the non-T/Op grades that have no proposed NT opt-out clause.

  6. Whoops, someone left a comment about station staff and I deleted it in error, could whoever left it try again. Sorry

    1. I did post again about station side, which was then published thanks. One off the first casualties of the strike by the way will be the attendance at Leyton Orient v Newport on the night of the 26th January. It will I fear go below 2,000 if you can't get a train after 9pm.

  7. I think the issue is that with the introduction of part time drivers, management will be able to call upon them to cover any uncovered duty any day of the week. This is a breach of the framework of agreement as overtime is not currently allowed for full time drivers (the job advert suggests you can do OT other days). These part time drivers will also cause depot numbers to drop as they will cut some spare duties off the rosters and just put overtime out instead. This is far cheaper then employing more full time time drivers who sit spare about once a week on average. Its a very slippery slope. Also these drivers may be less unionised and probably would cover our turns in the week if we go on strike. The unions need to sort this out big time.

    1. Why should they be less unionised? I would imagine after spending 8 weeks with the instructors and then 8 weeks in a cab with an IOp they'll have learnt enough about management to sign up with a union. The flaw with using them as cover for other duties is that they will only be available Monday to Thursday, on Fridays and weekends they'll have rostered night turns with the 12 hour rest period.

  8. 'I pay your wages'. But I have a Freedom Pass, so 'You pay my fares'.
    We are all mutually dependent on each other.
    TfL have a press release out, the supposedly factual part of which reads:
    "The four year pay offer consists of:
    Year 1 an average of 2 per cent;
    Years 2 and 3 would remain at RPI or 1 per cent, whichever is greater;
    Year 4 would be RPI plus 0.25 per cent.
    LU will also offer a £500 bonus for all staff on Night Tube lines.
    LU is hiring new drivers to run the Night Tube, which means that no current driver will have to work the Night Tube unless they want to.
    LU will not be changing any existing terms and conditions through the delivery of the Night Tube - the new drivers will be hired on permanent, part-time contracts with the same rates of pay and the same benefits as existing drivers."
    Can you pick this apart as an insider please - which bits are only half-truths? - as it will just be parroted by the media with no critical analysis. I can see that the new part-timers being a change from the original plan is not mentioned.

    1. An average increase on basic salary of 2% - this is made up of 1% annual pay increase for 2015
      plus a £500 consolidated flat rate increase to recognise our transformation to a 24-hour passenger
      service operation (Night Tube)
      doesn't quite say what changes to terms and conditions will be giving up to run a 24 hour service .....
      LU is hiring new drivers to run the Night Tube, which means that no current driver will have to work the Night Tube unless they want to.
      if they want to ?? does that mean part time what if want to work full time doing weekend nights and normal weekday night shifts ...
      LU will not be changing any existing terms and conditions through the delivery of the Night Tube - the new drivers will be hired on permanent, part-time contracts with the same rates of pay and the same benefits as existing drivers."
      contract at moment is run in passenger service all night 3 times a year so contracts have to be different
      thats just my quick view sure someone else will add or correct me if im wrong
