Friday 30 November 2012

This week I've spent two days in a training room going through procedures followed by two days in HAI depot with the trainers and IOps simulating faults so that we can get the train moving again along with working in and out of the depot in manual.  After ten years of this it becomes somewhat repetitive but this is what we have to do so that LUL can demonstrate to the ORR that we are competent to do our jobs.

The most interesting thing so far was the discussion over whether we should tell the passengers that we’d be leaving them unattended should we be required to take over a train where the TOp is incapacitated.  All the Rule Book says is to keep the passengers informed but nothing more specific.

“Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, LUL apologises for the delay to your journey but I’m leaving you for another train.  Our time together has been very special and I want you to know that it’s not you, it’s me.  Don’t worry, another driver will be along soon to take care of you and I hope that you can be just as happy with them as you were with me.  One last thing; I’m keeping the Morrissey CDs”.


  1. Most interesting. Consensus West End CDP seems to be pretend not leaving train, nobody notice, more panic if tell doing so?!

  2. I'm curious, at what point do you need to leave the train?

    1. In the event of the TOp on the train ahead becoming incapacitated. It’s called “leapfrogging”, you pull up to the train ahead, step over, walk through the train and take over in the cab. Meanwhile the trains behind do the same until eventually a train with a spare TOp arrives.

      It’s not so bad on the Central as we spend most of the time in ATO so the train would go to the next station but if one were to stall in the tunnel and the TOp had a heart attack then we’d use this procedure. Just one of the many things we have to know in order to qualify for our licence.
