I’ve been doing a bit more digging around on the strike and I can confirm that RMT has asked Control Room staff to stop working at 9pm next Tuesday along with the station staff. If TSSA issue the same call then even if the ASLEF TOps come into work we might not be able to go anywhere as there might not be enough staff at Wood Lane or any of the other control centres.
Another twist is that RMT have told its members to refuse to familiarise any of the office staff that LUL are hoping will fill the gaps on stations, according to RMT this is permissible while the union is officially in dispute with LUL so it won’t breech anyone’s terms of employment. In order to comply with the minimum staffing levels at Section 12 stations a certain number of staff have to be familiarised and if they don’t have enough the station cannot legally be opened. Unless things have changed since I was on stations familiarisation is done by the Super or if they weren’t available a DSM but as those grades are facing the biggest losses I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to say “no” to training LUL's strike breakers.
A couple of days ago I was talking to a Northern Line TOp who mentioned the case of a Station Supervisor who has been rostered at a station for many years, has come to know quite few of the regular passengers and spends a lot of time on the gateline being customer service orientated, just the sort of thing LUL say they want staff to be. Currently it seems that he has no idea if he'll be at that station in future or even if he'll even be a Supervisor, one of his biggest worries being that after three years of protected pay he'll be facing a substantial pay cut.
It could be that his fears are groundless, that LUL will take into account his years of experience and the good customer relations he's built up while he's been there but until management can offer the staff some assurances its not hard to understand why this has created an atmosphere of confusion and anxiety. That being said any assurances management make are unlikely to do much to assuage fears, the results of LUL's own survey a few years ago revealed that a majority of staff feel that management are not being entirely truthful with them.