Monday 14 March 2016

The Morning Star has been told by an unnamed source at ASLEF that Boris will announce that Night Tube will start running on the Victoria and Jubilee Lines from August with the Central, Piccadilly and Northern Lines to follow in September.  Obviously this will depend on LU actually finding enough part-time TOps from the 6000 or so applicants and on whether the new mayor actually wants to go ahead with scheme although current favourite Sadiq Khan has made delivering Night Tube one of his manifesto pledges.

Khan has also promised no fare rises for the next four years which TfL predicts will leave a £1.9bn funding hole although other sources have calculated it as a good deal less.  His manifesto describes TfL as “inefficient and flabby”, it says that he intends to cut “duplication and waste” and will halve the £383m spent on “the overuse of consultants and agency staff”.  With more than 400 executives on £100k or over it is little wonder the suits at TfL are less than happy with the prospect of the gravy train being cancelled.


  1. Khan is a .. "total idiot" .. is the politest thing I can find to say.
    His proposals for TfL are as bonkers as BoJo's.
    Not that Zac is any better at all.
    What I want to know is where do theses total s W*n**s come from?

    1. I disagree with Tingey. Khan has more of an inkling of what is wrong with Tfl than most other candidates. His dad was a bus driver. As drivers we are more than aware of how Managers seem to be increasing and all seem to be doing roles that "overlap". A few years back many were given generous severances with a view to reduce numbers of Managers. The result was a lot of big pay checks to experienced long service Managers and nice happy send offs. And then they were replaced by your basic "jobsworths" AND a whole NEW layer of Managers in addition to what we had already!!! Wtf?? So yes Tfl has an equivalent problem to the NHS, of "too many chiefs and not enough Indians". A lot of stuffed shirt box tickers floating around with grandiose titles delivering nothing but stick and none are on less than 50k. I am glad Khan recognises this and has already proposed to cut out this "duplication" and "waste". Don't even get me started on our Directors. More and more numbers of them every year. No one knows who they are or what they do. We do know their salaries and bonuses increase every year. No matter what performance they put in. How can any organisation be efficient if 1 "worker" is reporting or beholden to at least 3 separate grades of Management??

    2. It's the Peter Principle alive and well in London today. Paul is still being robbed.

    3. errr...Don't know what you mean, TRT. How so? What? Robbing Drivers and Station Staff to pay overpaid non productive Managers?? Is that what you mean?
